【Message】To all newly matriculated and returning students
Given the situation in which the new coronavirus has not shown even the slightest sign of weakening in its ferocity, the Japanese government, based on the Act of Special Measures, proclaimed a state of emergency on April 7 covering the residents of 7 prefectures including Chiba Prefecture. Upon the proclamation and at the request of the prefecture, Reitaku University decided to temporarily stop all its educational activities and closed its premises to students until May 6. We recognize with deep regret the fact that these measures taken by the university have caused great anxiety on a daily basis both to newly enrolled students and to those who enrolled in the university in previous years. None of you, to our sorrow, has been allowed to enter the university campus, either to attend face-to-face classes or to take part in extracurricular activities, including club activities, on campus.
It is now, most unfortunately, necessary to announce that the prohibition on entering the university campus will remain in effect until such time as the spread of infection causing the Covid-19 illness has ceased, meaning that educational activities on the university’s premises can thenceforth be conducted with complete safety. In light of the current pandemic situation, students will not, therefore, be permitted to enter the campus after classes start on May 7. We ask your understanding of the fact that this measure has been taken to protect the lives of you, our students, and applies not only to your campus life but also to your daily life as well. Please do not leave your house for non-essential and non-urgent reasons and, if for unavoidable reasons you are compelled to leave your house, please try to avoid environments characterized as “crowded places,” “closed spaces” and “close-contact settings.”
At Reitaku University, while working to safeguard our students, faculty and staff members against the risk of infection at this difficult time, we have also held a series of meetings to discuss the best way to deliver our academic courses. The decision has been taken to implement online, distance classes until such time as we can be completely sure that your health and safety will not be compromised by any risk of infection on campus. It is quite possible that such online distance classes will involve limitations that are not present in the face-to-face classes we are accustomed to conduct, and I am concerned that classes, at the outset, may not be proceed quite as smoothly as we would like. But I can assure you that we, faculty and staff members alike, have been working hard to prepare for the delivery of high quality education through our online classes, and I invite you to join us in working hard together, come what may, to overcome this challenging situation.
Reitaku University Library has produced a booklet, 100 Books to be Read by Reitaku University Students, which can be found on the university’s website. I hope you will make the most of it at this challenging time. On this website the university will also disseminate information relevant to your student life, with the aim of helping to reduce the anxiety that, quite understandably, you are now experiencing.
Although we are in the midst of almost unprecedented difficulties, I am sure that, in the fullness of time, the day will come when the end of this new coronavirus infection will be announced. Until then let us be diligent in carrying out measures to prevent the spread of the infection and work hard together to overcome this crisis. In closing, let me assure you of the eagerness with which we are looking forward to the day when we all, faculty, staff members and students alike, can cheerfully meet in person for the purpose of learning on the campus of Reitaku University.
Suminori Tokunaga, Ph. D.
President Reitaku University