

2021年度 外国語学部「卒業研究コンテスト」受賞論文について











■"Unsung Hero in Sustainable Development? Indigenous Epistemology in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Alternative Approach"

宮野 翔太郎(国際交流・国際協力専攻:ヨネスク・マグダレーナ ゼミ)

This thesis explored how the African knowledge system is marginalized structurally in the dominant sustainable development paradigm and practically in development policies and projects. In proposing the alternative approach to sustainable development, I delved into the knowledge system in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), illustrating its structure and practices derived from it. Focusing on agroecology and peacebuilding, I showed that practices and knowledge in SSA, contrary to what the mainstream discourse argues, make a huge contribution and that we can learn a lot from them. I conclude the thesis by discussing how we can reconstruct the dominant epistemic system underpinning the current paradigm so that practices and knowledge from SSA can participate in the norm-creation and policy-making (what I called "epistemic reconstruction").
Writing this thesis was quite a challenging but fulfilling journey. I thank my mentor and supervisor, professor Ionescu. Without her support, this thesis would not have been possible to write.

Recognizing that we cannot solve a problem with the same mindset as the one that created it (A. Einstein), Shotaro explores avenues beyond the intellectual and practical comfort zones we are accustomed to.
This thesis is the culmination of five years of focused attention and research on the current situation and future direction for Africa's development. It mixes an in-depth understanding of African history (from intentional study of sources by African scholars who describe and analyze Africa "on its own terms"), experiential learning acquired through a year-long classroom and field study in Uganda, and theoretical knowledge of alternative non-Western epistemologies (different ways of being, living, doing and knowing in the world).
Overall, he not only delivers a pointed critique to the status-quo but also a refreshing sense of hope as he points out the direction for an alternative approach to development relevant beyond the African context.





■「日独語における身体部位に基づく比喩表現の意味的拡張に関する考察 -- 目およびAugeを中心に --」


受賞、嬉しく思います。本論文は、人間の認知と深い関わりがあるとされる比喩表現のうち、意味が抽象的なものへと変化する割合が最も高いとされる「目」に特殊性があると仮定し、拡張の割合分析やカテゴリー化を通して他の身体語彙(「鼻/Nase」「手/Hand」「足/Fuß) との対照、またコーパス言語学、認知言語学的な考察を行うことで日本語の「目」およびドイツ語の "Auge"の特殊性の記述を試みた。


■"The Impact of Physical Appearance on Women and Society"

宮守 朱音(英語コミュニケーション専攻、ニコライ・ストラック ゼミ)

Modern women live in an overwhelming visual culture, where people unconsciously evaluate their appearance in terms of superiority or inferiority, which leads to discrimination and disadvantage. This paper explores the socio-cultural pressures through the media that cause women to become obsessed with their appearance, as well as the social structural background and causes formed by a profit-driven capitalist society and patriarchy. It also clarified the role and impact of appearance in social life and the negative physical and mental effects caused by media that enforce a certain way of being. It also recommended legal restrictions and examined solutions respecting the diversity that overturn the narrow stereotype of attractive appearance.
I am very pleased to feel that I have helped as many people as possible to understand the social problems women face, such as being valued and undermined based on their appearance. I hope that my graduation thesis will help bring to light the discrimination and disadvantage due to women's appearance, which had previously gone through without attention.

■"Digital Healthcare-Solution to issues in Developed and Developing countries"

髙橋 爽太朗(英語コミュニケーション専攻:ニコライ・ストラック ゼミ)

In modern society, all countries face a wide variety of healthcare issues such as aging society, high medical costs, and medical accessibility. Whereas, the digitalization of healthcare is highly gathering attention by not only healthcare providers but also the general public. Throughout this thesis, the possibilities of digitalization of healthcare to resolve medical issues are thoroughly discussed. For example, an online diagnosis might be an effective way to improve medical accessibility. In addition to the advantages and positive outlook, several challenges caused by the digitalization of healthcare are also suggested. Therefore, to properly take advantage of the digitalization of healthcare and solve severe healthcare issues, I believe it is necessary for healthcare providers and the general public to keep learning and fully understand the digitalization of healthcare.