ローリンソン, キーラン, ジョセフ
ローリンソン, キーラン, ジョセフ (Ciaran, Rawlinson)

・Vocabulary Acquisition
・Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)


・The Effectiveness of Spaced Repetition Software for Vocabulary Acquisition


・Queen’s University Belfast, UK


・M.Sc. TESOL (Queen’s University Belfast)
・B.Sc. Accounting (Queen’s University Belfast)


・2021-2022 - Hyogo Prefectural BOE - Assistant Language Teacher
・2014-2017 - Tottori Prefectural BOE - Assistant Language Teacher



“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

This quote inspires me because it shows how much your attitude determines success or failure. It is important to believe you can succeed. If you do, you are more likely to find a way to make it happen.
I like sports and outdoor activities. I play soccer and futsal. I also play Gaelic football, an Irish
sport which even has a team in Tokyo. I have travelled to China and Korea in the past to play in international tournaments. I also enjoy running, cycling, hiking and camping.
My favorite place in my home country, Ireland, is the Cliffs of Moher. You can walk right to the edge of the 200 meters cliffs, so be careful! This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to, and it gives me a sense of the power of nature. Public Relations Department My favorite place from around the world is Utah State in the US. The scenery is breathtaking and it has many opportunities for outdoor adventures, such as hiking and mountain biking. The red color of the rocks is so different to anything I experienced growing up that it feels like I am in a different world when I visit there.
I recommend “Yes Man” by Danny Wallace. This book shows the power of openness and how it can change our lives if we say “yes” to more opportunities. From a state of social isolation, Danny’s life is turned around after deciding to say yes to every opportunity for six months. I don’t recommend taking it this far, but college life is a time when you should expose yourself to many new people, ideas and experiences.
Vocabulary acquisition is an essential part of language learning. I am interested in discovering more effective ways of learning and retaining vocabulary, including the use of technology to do so. Part of this curiosity comes from my own experience of studying Japanese, and this is when I first encountered spaced repetition software.
Technology is becoming more and more prevalent in society and the classroom. It is important to learn the most effective way to use it to our advantage, including when learning languages. Since all students have access to devices that can use spaced repetition software, this is a tool that language learning students should be made aware of.
I was impressed by the beautiful campus and facilities on my first visit to Reitaku University.
However, that has been my only experience of Reitaku so far. I’m looking forward to learning more about the university during the coming year!