ミッチェル, コリン
ミッチェル, コリン (MITCHELL, Colin)

・Intercultural and Academic Coaching
・Transformative Language Learning
・Applied Linguistics


・Autonomous Language Learning


・Sofia University (USA)  博士課程の学生
・University of Leicester(UK ) 修士課程 修了
・University of Liverpool(UK) 卒業


・M.A. (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)(University of Leicester)
・B.A. (English)(University of Liverpool)


・Transformative Life Coaching Certificate(Sofia University)


・TEAP Examiner for the Eiken Foundation
・"The Language Teacher"(JALT teacher magazine) copy editing and proofreading
・麗澤大学 Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Center for English Communication, Lecturer
・Iwate JALT, Hirosaki Local Coordinator, Officer
・James English School, Area Manager Coordinator, Aomori Region
・Aomori ETJ, Event Organizer
・James English School, Hirosaki University COOP, Active Campus English, Teacher


・Coaching Psychology for Facilitating Self- Regulation in Learners Mind Braid Ed Journal, 3, 5-25 共著 JALT (2022.08.03)
・Application of Coaching and Mentoring Strategies to Improve Well-being of Colleagues and Students in Education The PanSIG Journal 2022, 44-52 共著 JALT (2022.05.15)
・Notes on introducing a standardised extensive reading program: First performance and initial expectations. 麗澤大学紀要, 102, 79-93 共著 麗澤大学 (2019.03.15)
・ Preparing for extensive reading in an English communication course: An MReader solution. The PanSIG Journal 2018, 145-154 単著 JALT (2019.02.04)
・Motivational behavior and perceived proficiency of Japanese undergraduate L2 learners: A pilot study Aomori Chuo Gakuin University Journal, No.28. 共著 Aomori Chuo Gakuin University (2017年11月)
・English classroom reforms in Japan: a study of Japanese university EFL student anxiety and motivation. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language
Education, 2:7, 1-13 共著 Springer (2017.10.04)
・Language Education Pressures in Japanese High Schools JALT Shiken,Vol.21 単著 JALT (2017年9月)


・Intercultural Coaching in an Age of Globalisation 単著 Shantou University (2022.07.07)
・Reflective Dialogue to Promote Professional Well-Being 共著 JALT international (2021.11.18)
・Call for Improved Well-Being in University Educators Through Coaching 共著 Eighth Annual Conference on Global Higher Education at Lakeland University (2022.06.17)
・JALT Transformative Mentoring & Coaching Workshop 共著 PAN SIG (2021.06.10)
・Promoting reflective dialogue to enhance professional well-being 共著 JALT CUE (2021.09.11)
・"Best of Both Worlds: Real books with online Mreader quizzes" "PANSIG, Toyo Gakuen University" Presentation 単著 PAN SIG (2018年5月)
・『Tsugaru Innovation in Language Education Symposium』Chief Organizer, 単著 TILES (2016年10月)
・「Motivation and Testing」『Michinoku English Education Summit, Hachinohe Gakuin University』Presentation 単著 MEES (2016年5月)



My favourite quote is from the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He said “knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do”. I believe we must apply our knowledge to the world, and put into action the things we planned.
On my day off I like to get out of town on my bicycle. Sometimes I cycle for about 40km or further. When I am at home, I enjoy listening to my record collection. I believe music is good for the soul!
I would pay for my friends and family to come from all the places in the world they live. Then we would have a big week long party together right here in Japan.
No I wouldn’t change my past. My past brought me to where I am today. Sometimes we make mistakes and we have regrets, but we overcome them and we become stronger. It is important to learn from our mistakes.
I would recommend seeing Japan before seeing the world. Japan has many wonderful places. I really enjoyed living in Aomori, and I think Kanagawa is a beautiful prefecture. My dream is to one day visit Okinawa.
I didn’t visit my home country as much as I would have liked. Now I am in Japan, I regret not visiting more of England.
Everyone has their own taste and finding a good book is a personal quest. I recommend students try a few classics to begin with. Fairy tales can be a good place to start. Perhaps students know the Disney adaptations of fairy tales like Snow White, Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland, but the original stories can be surprisingly different.